Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chapter 17 Quotes

"A great deal of the old crowd were back. But there were lots of new ones too."

Throughout the whole book there has been doubt about Tea Cake and Janie relationship. When Janie states the quote above she is talking about all the people that comments on their relationship, but now there is more than it already was in the begginning. Janie notices that the comments about their relationship are going to continue, but yet she ignores it.

"Uh person can see every place you hit her. Ah bet she never raised her hand tuh hit yuh back, neither."

One of the men thinks that Tea Cake beats on Janie. The reason I choose this quote is because it made think that if someone thinks that you beat your woman just to get her to listen, then most men did that back in the day. Also the man stated that he has to beat most of his woman as well.

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