Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chapter 12 Quotes

"It a shame. Done took to high heel slippers and a ten dollar hat! Looking like some young girls, always in blue because Tea Cake told her to wear it. Poor Joe Starks. Bet he turns over in his grave everyday."
I find this quote rather funny because Janie peers are jealous in my mind. Everyone thinks that when younger guys date older woman they are out for there money. Janie is be treated with fancy colored clothes and hats from Tea Cake. Most townspeople believe that the same thing that happen to Ms.Tyler.

"Ah sho hope you ain't lak uh possum-de older you gits, de less sense yuh got."
Someone thinks that Janie is making a mistake about marrying Tea Cake. She thinks that since Janie is getting older she loses sense of what is really happening, and makes stupid decisions. Nobody supports Janie in her choice to marry Tea Cake, they all think she is going to come walking down the big road with her heart broken.

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