Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ACT English Test Reflection

I feel that it was helpful that Ms.Fuller alllowed us to take the ACT English portion. I now have an understanding on what is needed to pass the english portion of the test. However, I fee that I didn't get enough focus while taking the test. I understand that durig the real ACT that it will be silent, but I still feel as if we are taking a practice test that we should treat i like a real ACT test. I would like to know were I'm at on my ACT level but I can't figure it out if I'm not getting my complete focus. So with this being said I think that my strengths are that I understand the material and strategies in the english portion, and I now know my goal that I need to complete to pass the English portion. My weakness would be my focus level. I think if I stayd focused more then I can get more done. I tend to get easily destracted so I plan to work on staying focused.

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