A relationship is defined as " the state of being related or interrelated". This is a definition from merriam webster, but there can be more meaninigs of a relationship. A relaionship can mean a comparison between nouns and objects, there can be a passionable relationship where two people have the desire to be with each other, or there can be a sexual relationship where two adults can have sexual intercorse. My point in this is that there are different types of relationships but if I would have to define relationship by itself I would define it as the definiyion above and also by adding a comparison between something or someone.
“The state of being related or interrelated”(Merriam Webster, 2009)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Who was your most influential teacher?
My most fluential is all my teachers from k-9 grade. I dont have a favorite teacher because all teachers that teach me always have pushed and woorked hard with me. one thing that teahers tell me is that i have the capability to be a 4.0 student, inever achieved this GPA but plan to. all my teachers expected hard work and focus in there class and with this said I do not have i most fluential teaher. I give all of my following teahers credit, but if the question asked what grade would have the most influential teachers i would have to say ninth!
Do you feel you have grown since the beginning of the year? What are some of the things that caused this to happen? What caused it to not happen?
I think that I have grown and also have not grown. The reason why I think I have grown is because in the beginning of the year a presentation of learning was very challenging to do with being new to the prep community and even the presentation itself, but now a presentation of learning is nothing but a little assignment I have to complete. I also think I have grown because I’m learning more about my peers and the way PEC prep is ran. I think I haven’t grown because I still do the same little disruptions and behavioral issues that should have been got rid of in the beginning of the year, which is being worked with.
Do you believe that the media portrays young black students in a positive light?
I think that the media does not portray young black students in a positive light. I think this because research show that most young black men and woman are not achieving there expectations for life. I also think that the media is just not saying the information they tell the world to make young black adults look bad, it is the black community bringing it on themselves. If we show that we can achieve our goal just like everybody else we wouldn’t have so much negative feed back about our race. The young black students are so thought of as a failure because they choose to decide to underachieve.
Monday, April 20, 2009
"Good Night, Willie Lee, I'll See You In The Morning"
I think that if the killing is unfinished business then they would mean that the son and mother would die also. I think when the poems says that, "The healing of all our wounds is forgiveness that permits a promise of our return at the end", that this means the victims healing and spirits being sent above is forgiveness but it is a promise that the killer will receive his treat at the end of the whole situation. The unfinished business in my personal thoughts in this poem was the killers getting there punishment for what they did or the killing of the whole family. I have more thought that it is the killers getting there treatment because the person or people that participated in the killing are not going to walk away free.
Monday, April 6, 2009
"Somebody Should Have Taught Him"
I think this article is very tragic and sorrow for the parents of the teen and even the teen because she is the victim of someone DWI. While I read this article it makes me feel bad for the victim and it actually explains more on why you shouldn't DWI. It really doesn't come clear when one of my peers tell me but when I read an article or hear about a real life storty it inhance me to never DWI. Also I notic the teen listened to her parent and almost made it through the night with survival but she became a victim. I still give credit to the teen for listening to her parents and not drinking. The last part of the article is very sad because while she is about to die and all she wants to do before she die is say "I Love You Mom" or for her mom to hold her but she can't because she gets an unsuspected surprise.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Had Juliet been older, do you think she would have done the same things she did in the play?
I think if Juliet would have been older she wouldn't of did the same thing she did in the play because hopefully she could be able to progress her love to Romeo and not through a letter causing confusion. I also think if Romeo and Juliet were still in a relationship from teenagers to adults they would have their life and love life situated by that time
Suppose Romeo and Juliet had not acted so hastily getting married. What effect, if any, would yhat have on the play
I do think that if they slowed down that it would have any effect on the play, but I also think that if they would have slowed down a little that they could focus on there relationship, they could focus more on there feelings and love for one another. Although the play was good I think that the play could be more emotional and passionate for readers if they waited and did not kill thereself because both of them had an enormous amount of love for each other, any love added to that would be suprising.
Could the same thing happen to two teenagers today? Explain why or why not.
I think that the same actions can occur now as a teenager because more and more teens are getting in relationships and falling in love more than ever and would risk any and everything for the one they love. I don't think that they would drink poison or make up the same plan as Friar Lawerence and Juliet, in my opinion if someone loves the person there with and loses them nine times out of ten it would be because of one breaking up with another and there is a 99.9% chance that today a teenager would kill themself, but im not saying it won't happen this is just my opinion.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Why do you think racism still exist?
I think racism still exist because some people still has the "back in the day" southern mantallity. I think if people would look at America as a growing country trying to better itself and not how it use to be when it was segregation and more racism than it is now maybe racism wouldn't exist. The reason why i say America is because it's happening all over but I do not no where.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
"How would you have felt as ateenager back then if you read about the till murder in the newspaper"
If i was a teenager I would be very sad to view that moment because Till lost his life because of a whistle. I would be even more sad because the two men were found not guilty, and when they confessed that they killed Till they still did nothing about the murder.
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